
2021 Events

July 24, 2021 (Sat) 1:00PM  Club Membership Meeting 

General Business to Discuss

Assassin pylon racing

Location: Indy West R/C Flying Field

August 21, 2021 (Sat) 1:00PM  Club Membership Meeting 

General Business to Discuss

Assassin pylon racing

Location: Indy West R/C Flying Field

  • IndyWest R/C combat / pylon racing plane required specs:
    • Airframe: Crash Test Hobbies Assassin flying wing:
    • Mandatory electronic spec kit (to provide an even playing field):
    • Hobbyking spec parts and approximate costs:
      • FC 28-12 Motor: 7.10
      • 2x MG90S servos: 10.70
      • F-30A ESC: 10.76
      • 7×6 Electric Prop APC style: 0.63
      • 3mm Prop Saver 3S
      • 1300 mAh battery: $10.39 (pilots choice)

2020 Events

Club meetings normally held the 3rd Saturday of the month and float fly events (May-Sept) the 2nd Saturday of the month.

January 1, 2019 (Wed) 1:00pm New Year’s Fly (pending weather and temperatures)

Come join us for the first club event of the year and ring in 2020 with some time on the sticks!

Location: Indy West R/C Flying Field

March 22, 2020 (Sun) 1:00 pm   March 21, 2020 (Sat) 1:00 pm   Club Membership Meeting – First Meeting of the Year! (pending weather and temperatures) Moved to Sunday due to low Saturday temps.

General Business to Discuss

Spring field maintenance (mulch)

Assassin pylon racing

Location: Indy West R/C Flying Field

April 18, 2020 (Sat) 1:00PM  Club Membership Meeting 

General Business to Discuss

Post Winter Field Work

Runway Maintenance

Mower Maintenance 

Assassin pylon racing

Location: Indy West R/C Flying Field

May 9, 2020 (Sat) 10:00am Float Fly

Location: West 86th Street Neighborhood (map below events)

May 16, 2019 (Sat) 1:00pm Club Membership Meeting (postponed)

General business to discuss

Assassin pylon racing

Location: Indy West R/C Flying Field

Dec 19, 2020 (Sat) 10:00am Club membership meeting

Location: Zoom online – invites have been sent via email, contact us if you need details

Additional Event Info: IndyWest R/C combat / pylon racing plane required specs: Airframe: Crash Test Asssasin: Mandatory electronic spec kit (to provide an even playing field): Hobbyking spec parts and approximate costs: FC 28-12 Motor: 7.10 2x MG90S servos: 10.70 F-30A ESC: 10.76 7×6 Electric Prop APC style: 0.63 3mm Prop Saver 3S 1300 mAh battery: $10.39 (pilots choice) 

Float Fly Map